Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Research and training in new technologies and continuing education constitutes are one of the priority activities of the faculty of the Universidad Complutense, through its Departments and University Institutes. This is reflected in a progressive participation in various external project Assemblies (National R & D Plan, Community of Madrid, Health Research Funds, European Union, et cetera), and in the different programs of the Complutense Research Plan.
The Universidad Complutense has established international agreements for scientific and academic cooperation with a great many foreign universities. These agreements allow for the exchange of research and teaching staff, as well as courses for both undergraduate and graduate students.The Complutense participates actively in the principal international university associations: UNICA (Universidades en Capitales Europeas) (Universities in European Capitals), EAIE (European Association for International Education), UNIMED (Association of Mediterranean Universities), CRE (Conferencia de Rectores Europeos) (Conference of European Rectors), IAU (International Association of Universities), AUIP (Asociación Universitaria Iberoamericana de Postgrado) (Iberoamerican University Postgraduate Association), IAUP (International Association of University Presidents).
The Universidad Complutense has established study and research centers abroad, in collaboration with the most prestigious universities in the world: Real Colegio Complutense (Royal ComplutenseCollege at Harvard), Colegio de Altos Estudios Europeos Miguel Servet (Miguel Servet College of Higher European Studies) (Sorbonne) in Paris.
Moreno González, Antonio is a professor of the Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales. From 1970 until 1986 he taught as science teacher in secondary Education. Moreno González, Antonio has obtained a Ph.D in Physics Science at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid on 1985. He has contributed, as co-author, in the creation of many physics textbooks that are used in secondary science education in Spain since 1984. His research interests are focused on utilization of History and Epistemology of science in Science teaching and especially in the research concerning biographies of famous scientists.