Introduction – Rationale of the program

About the MAP prOject
Rationale of the program
Project Partners
Science education
History of Science
Teaching & Learning Strategies
The case of falling bodies project

Introduction – Rationale of the program

About the MAPprOject

“The MAP project: A science teacher training program based on Science Education and History of Science” is a European Commission project (Comenius 2.1) that aims to enhance the quality of science education by encouraging transactional cooperation among five European universities. Science education as well as history of science are the two main pillars in the development of a science teacher training curriculum.

“The MAP prOject” aims:

  • To make a productive synthesis of the contemporary theoretical insights and research outcomes both of history of science and science education in order to produce situated in practice in-service science teacher training strategies.
  • To develop and evaluate innovative training situations for in-service science teachers by using case studies from history of science.

The MAP prOject is an acronym formed from the names of the European cities where the five co-operating institutions come from, that is: Thessaloniki (The), Madrid (M), Athens (A), Pavia (P), Oldenburg (O).

Thessaloniki (Pedagogical Department of Primary Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, responsible lecturer Fanny Seroglou)

Madrid (Didactic of Experimental Sciences, University Complutense of Madrid, responsible professor Antonio Moreno Gonzalez)

Athens (Pedagogical Department of Primary Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, responsible professor Panos Kokkotas)

Pavia (Department of Physics “Alessandro Volta”, Università di Pavia, responsible professor Fabio Bevelaqcua)

prOject (Oldenburg-Physics Education/History and Philosophy of Science, Institute of Physics, Carl von Ossietzky University, responsible professor Falk Riess)